Tudi meni so odstranili sivo mreno. Vse pohvale ekipi. Nadvse zadovoljna. Priporočam, da pri njih opravite poseg.
Če se kaj splača, se splača naložba v svoje zdravje. Očesni center Irman, hvaležna, zdaj vidim vse tisto, kar prej nisem.
Prezadovoljna po operaciji sploh če imaš visoko dioptrijo. Po štirih letih še vedno zelo zadovoljna. Vedno in povsod jih priporočam.
Pred skoraj 3 leti sem bila operirana pri njih. Kvaliteta življenja brez očal in leč je res dosti večja. Veliki strokovnjaki in zelo prijazni. Srečno!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
“Prezadovoljna po operaciji sploh če imaš visoko dioptrijo. Po štirih letih še vedno zelo zadovoljna. Vedno in povsod jih priporočam.”
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
Odlična oskrba pacienta od začetka do konca vodenja korekcije dioptrije.
Pred posegom so razumljivo in korektno predstavili vse možnosti. S posegom sem zelo zadovoljen in nimam nobenih težav ali omejitev več. Ponovno bi se odločil zanje.
Spoštovani team Irman: čas je vedno pravi, da storimo prav… tako je bila prava tudi moja odločitev, da sem izbrala vašo očesno ordinacijo. Hvala vam, da sem jaz lahko spet jaz.
Po več kot 40 letih nenehne odvisnosti od očal in leč, kar se je s starostno slabovidnostjo še zakompliciralo, sem se odločila za menjavo znotrajočesnih leč. Že ob prvem klicu me je informatorka (neverjetno prijazna gospa) prepričala za pregled pri dr. Grčarju.
Že od samega pregleda sem bila odločena, da naredim ta korak v življenju…
Operacijo mi je izvedel dr. Grčar, sama operacija ni bila boleča in res hitro mine.
Naslednji dan sledi WAW efekt – končno spet vidim. 🙂
Priporočam vsem, ki odlašate, ker so strokovni, profesionalni, prijazni in konec koncev nisi samo številka v kliniki.
Prijazen stisk roke in vzpodbudne besede sežejo do srca tudi po opravljenem pregledu, ko je okrevanje že pri koncu. Res hvala vsem, predvsem pa dr. Grčarju za super opravljeno operacijo.
Že od samega pregleda sem bila odločena, da naredim ta korak v življenju…
Operacijo mi je izvedel dr. Grčar, sama operacija ni bila boleča in res hitro mine.
Naslednji dan sledi WAW efekt – končno spet vidim. 🙂
Priporočam vsem, ki odlašate, ker so strokovni, profesionalni, prijazni in konec koncev nisi samo številka v kliniki.
Prijazen stisk roke in vzpodbudne besede sežejo do srca tudi po opravljenem pregledu, ko je okrevanje že pri koncu. Res hvala vsem, predvsem pa dr. Grčarju za super opravljeno operacijo.
Zelo zadovoljna s storitvijo (laserska operacija dioptrije). Pohvalila bi izjemno prijazno osebje, še posebej na dan posega in med samim postopkom res topel in srčen odnos, ki prežene vsak dvom in strah. Hvala!
Običajno ljudje zdravstvo in zaposlene samo kritizirajo. Moja izkušnja v vašem centru pa je ravno nasprotna. Res moram pohvaliti vse kar se je z mano dogajalo včeraj in že v preteklih letih. Imate odlično organizacijo najvažneje kar je pa je pristop vas uslužbencev. Vaša prijaznost, spoštljiv odnos do pacientov, predvsem pa strokovnost se ne dajo primerjati.
Za včeraj 18.1. pa bi še posebej se rad zahvalil gospodu, katerega imena žal ne vem in pa izrecna zahvala ge. dr. Pušnik-ovi, ker se je zelo zavzela za moj primer,
kakor pred 33 leti sam g. dr. Marjan Irman.
Želim vam še veliko uspešnih zdravljenj in hkrati tudi vašega zadovoljstva ob uspehih.
Zaključujem z nekaj besedami stare pesmi: “Hvala vam ljudje v belem. . . “
Za včeraj 18.1. pa bi še posebej se rad zahvalil gospodu, katerega imena žal ne vem in pa izrecna zahvala ge. dr. Pušnik-ovi, ker se je zelo zavzela za moj primer,
kakor pred 33 leti sam g. dr. Marjan Irman.
Želim vam še veliko uspešnih zdravljenj in hkrati tudi vašega zadovoljstva ob uspehih.
Zaključujem z nekaj besedami stare pesmi: “Hvala vam ljudje v belem. . . “
Tudi sama operirana pri Irmanu 10 let nazaj, ena izmed boljših investicij v mojem življenju.
Hvala g. Roku in kompletni ekipi Irman očesne ordinacije za hitro in profesionalno opravljeno delo pri mojih težavah. Še enkrat najlepša hvala.
Ne rabim več iskat očal preden bi prebrala kakšen časopis, ker je za moj boljši vid (odprava dioptrije) poskrbela dr. Irena, tudi glava me nič več ne boli po operaciji. Hvala vam, res ste carji.
Kakšen napredek. Hvala, ker se tako trudite poiskati rešitve tudi za nas, ki vidimo malo. Brez vas bi bili popolnoma slepi. Vrhunska ekipa in vedno se z veseljem vračam k vam, samo k vam. LP
Prezadovoljna po operaciji sploh če imaš visoko dioptrijo. Po štirih letih še vedno zelo zadovoljna. Vedno in povsod jih priporočam.
Takšno pozitivno, empatično energijo in spoštljiv odnos premorejo redki.
Oba z možem sva operirana v očesnem centru Irman in sva zelooo zadovoljna. Prijazno in strokovno osebje, dr. Irmanova je kot dobra vila, takoj ji zaupaš. Priporočam jih povsod.
Imela sem kar nekaj opravka v kliniki Irman. Lasersko operacijo, operacijo sive mrene na obeh očeh in vstavitev progresivnih leč, kontrolnih pregledov… Zelo sem zadovoljna z njihovimi uslugami in jih res priporočam. Še veliko uspešnega dela želim!
Po takšni operaciji se ti res zdi, da “spregledaš”. Posebej, če imaš res visoko dioptrijo. Sem pa še nekaj tednov po operaciji vsako jutro tipala za očali na nočni omarici.
Tudi jaz operiran pred več leti, hvala, še vedno zadovoljen – spregledal za vedno…
Super ekipa, zelo zadovoljna. Priporočam, so strokovnjaki na svojem področju, ne bo vam žal.
Bil na operaciji septembra 2018, vstavitev očesne predleče, z vsem skupaj izredno zadovoljen!
Prezadovoljna po operaciji sploh če imaš visoko dioptrijo. Po štirih letih še vedno zelo zadovoljna. Vedno in povsod jih priporočam.
Že 4 leta je, od kar sem bila operirana. Zelo zadovoljna. To je najboljša naložba zame. Ne iščem več očal, vozim sproščeno, berem. Ne razumem ljudi, ki hodijo v Zagreb, pred nosom pa imajo odlično ekipo v Žalcu. Vse pohvale.
Rada bi se vam zahvalila za vso strokovnost in prijaznost v vašem Očesnem centru.
Še posebej pa se zahvaljujem dr. Mateji Groboljšek Žgavc in tehniku g. Primožu, za tako strokovno in precizno opravljen poseg blefaroplastike. Vsaka vam čast, saj sem okrevanje kot ena izmed zelo redkih preživela brez vsake modrice.
Želim vam še naprej veliko poslovnih uspehov, sama pa se bom z velikim veseljem še vračala k vam.
Še posebej pa se zahvaljujem dr. Mateji Groboljšek Žgavc in tehniku g. Primožu, za tako strokovno in precizno opravljen poseg blefaroplastike. Vsaka vam čast, saj sem okrevanje kot ena izmed zelo redkih preživela brez vsake modrice.
Želim vam še naprej veliko poslovnih uspehov, sama pa se bom z velikim veseljem še vračala k vam.
Ga. Mateja Groboljšek Žgavc mi je ob asistenci Primoža Ošlaka izvedla blefaroplastiko. Ne samo, da je moj videz precej mlajši, tudi pogled je bolj odprt in jasen.
Strokovnost, prijaznost in estetika so se ujele v poezijo. Vedno, kadar grem v ambulanto, se vedno znova prepričam, da sem v najboljših rokah.
Strokovnost, prijaznost in estetika so se ujele v poezijo. Vedno, kadar grem v ambulanto, se vedno znova prepričam, da sem v najboljših rokah.
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
I have been working with these guys since years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!